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Asset Management
August 14, 2023

Release Notes August 14th

Assigning assets to users

The asset tags are custom tags you can use to put labels on assets. A creative use we heard of is using it to assign assets to users, with that in mind we added a new feature to the Asset Details overlay that will allow you to assign assets to each other.

Users that are members and higher can assign assets to other users. Users that have assets assigned to them will get a notification saying so, and a timeline event will be created that will specify which user assigned the asset to which user.

Users can also filter for assets that are assigned to them from the filters menu in the sidebar.

Asset Management Improvements

  • Manager role can now set the default active columns of the Assets table and they will appear as the default for other users on the target.
  • To make it even easier to export data out of the platform we added the option to bulk select assets and export them to CSV, the exported columns will be the ones that are in view.
  • The vector attached/detached timeline events will now include the vector tags that were added or removed from the asset.

A saved filter provides quick access to a complex query that provides specific results that cannot be achieved by using a single, built in filter. From now on, you can save a search term as a saved filter as well.

Additional Features  

  • Until now to open a collapsible card on the platform you had to click on its arrow, from now on, you can click anywhere on the card to open it and close it.
  • Relation info of related domain will now be part of the report when exporting the list to CSV
  • When a playbook fails for whatever reason, you will get a notification about it.