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July 23, 2024

Vector Scanner Improvements

We are excited to announce the latest updates to our Vector Scanner. These enhancements aim to improve the scanner’s performance and provide more and better results for your assets. Here are the details of the latest releaseWordPress Scanner

The scanner now includes scans for vulnerabilities in WordPress plugins, themes, and the WordPress Core version. Helping you identify and mitigate potential risks on your WordPress installations.

Tomcat Brute Force

When the scanner detects path-normalization in Tomcat, it performs a slight brute-force test for default credentials. If default credentials are found, it can result in Remote Code Execution (RCE).

Improved Crawling

The scanner’s headless crawling capabilities have been improved to enhance endpoint detection and parameter discovery. Identifying vulnerabilities that might have been missed previously.

CVE Detection

The scanner now includes detection for several new CVEs, including:

  • CVE-2024-6387 (OpenSSH)
  • CVE-2024-4879 (ServiceNow SSTI)

Additional, less notable, CVEs have also been added.

Firebase Misconfiguration

The enhanced Firebase misconfiguration detection now scans for related information even without a Firebase configuration file on the asset. This includes checks for bucket read/write permissions.

Cross-Site Scripting (XSS)

We have improved the scanner’s ability to identify and report XSS vulnerabilities specifically to better detect scenarios involving DOM-related XSS and InJS XSS.

General Improvements

Various bugs have been fixed, and performance enhancements have been made to ensure our scanner runs more efficiently and reliably.

July 22, 2024

Malware Vectors

Malware Vectors

We are excited to introduce Malware vectors as the latest addition to our Vector scanning capabilities. Our scanners can now detect and report malicious files on your assets.

  • Weekly Scans:
    • The new malware scanner conducts thorough scans once a week.
  • Auto-Archive Process:
    • Malware vectors follow the same auto-archiving process as vulnerability vectors.
  • New, Dedicated Vector Tags:
    • Malware vectors have dedicated tags to help you easily identify and categorize different types of malware.
  • Detailed Output:
    • Malware vectors are distinct from vulnerability vectors. Instead of an exploit demo URL, they provide a file path. Additionally, the raw request and response are replaced with details of the malicious content detected.

File Path:Each malware vector includes a specific file path, guiding you directly to the location of the malicious file within your system.

Malicious Content Details:The details of the malicious content provide comprehensive information about the threat, enabling you to understand the nature of the detected malware.

The new malware scanner is a paid feature. For more information or to activate this feature, please contact your ULTRA RED representative.

July 17, 2024

Release Notes July 17th

We are pleased to introduce several updates to improve your experience on ULTRA RED. These updates include increased security measures, playbook enhancements, and a reorganized configuration screen. Account Lockout

We have bolstered security by implementing an account lockout feature. In the event of brute force attempts, accounts will be locked for a period to prevent unauthorized access. You can unlock your account before the lockout period elapses by contacting your ULTRA RED contact person.

Playbooks Enhancements

Vector Status Change Email Notification

The playbook’s internal action for sending email notifications when a vector’s status changes now includes a link to the vector and its identifier. This makes it easier to locate the vector you were alerted about.

Playbook Timeline - Failure Reason

We have added a failure reason to the playbook timeline. When a playbook fails, the timeline event will now display the reason for the failure, providing better insights when troubleshooting.

Configuration Refactor

The configuration screen has been reorganized and rearranged for better usability. This refactor aims to make navigation and configuration more intuitive and efficient, helping you easily manage settings.

Vectors View

We have changed the default view of vectors to a grouped view. This change aims to eliminate looking for related vectors by grouping vectors representing the same issue, allowing you to simultaneously address multiple related vectors.

June 4, 2024

The Overview

For a while now we’ve been looking for a way to tell the story of ULTRA RED. Something that will allow us to explain, in an informative yet succinct, easy-to-understand, visually aesthetic way, what ULTRA RED is all about, from the moment a domain is entered, through discovery and various scanning processes to finding vectors and remediating assets.

Introducing the Overview section: an informative, easy-to-understand visual representation of your data on ULTRA RED. We have analyzed all the main screens you frequently use, extracted the most relevant information, and summarized it into a single, interactive screen comprising six sections and fourteen charts, each dedicated to a distinct and integral part of the process.

Related Domains

Similar to how your data begins its journey on the platform, the Overview starts with the Discovery section and the Related Domains section, representing the first stage of the process. This involves inputting a domain and retrieving related domains. This section includes two charts:

Related Domains Found Overtime

Our platform enables continuous monitoring of domains related to your lead domain. This bar chart displays the number of related domains found for your lead domains, per date. Each bar represents a day when a scan took place, and results were found.

Top 5 Related Domains by # of Discovered Assets

This list highlights your five largest domains on ULTRA RED, compared by the total number of assets discovered from them. Understanding the size of your largest domains helps you gauge your attack surface size.

Discovered Assets

Continuing with the Discovery screen, the second section reflects information collected in the second column of the Discovery screen.

Assets Discovered Overtime

Similar to the Related Domains, the platform allows to continuously monitor new assets found from the domains. This chart displays the number of discovered assets per date, with each bar representing a day when a scan took place and results were found.

Most Common Open Ports

A horizontal bar chart depicting the five most common open ports found on your discovered and assigned assets. The X-axis represents occurrences, and the Y-axis represents port numbers.

Monitored Assets

The Monitored Assets section is the first section representing the Asset Management screen. It includes two charts, highlighting two key aspects of monitored assets: the number of assets monitored out of the assigned or discovered assets, and the number of occurrences in each asset score. This allows you to identify problem areas and focus your efforts where it matters most.

External Surface

A funnel chart displaying the amount of current data in each iteration of an asset, from lead domain to monitored asset. This chart helps you easily see and compare the number of assets at each stage of the process.

Distribution of Asset Scores

A horizontal bar chart showing the number of occurrences in each asset score, allows you to identify key problem areas that need attention.


Keeping in line with the Asset Management screen, the Technologies section represents the technologies found on your assigned assets and the outdated ones among them.

Top 5 Recurring technologies

This chart displays the five most recurring technologies found in scans of your assigned and assigned & monitored assets.

Top 5 Outdated Technologies

This chart highlights the technologies found on your assigned and assigned & monitored assets that are most commonly outdated.

Verified Vectors

The Verified Vectors section summarizes key information regarding vectors and scoring. This section allows you to quickly deduce how many vectors you have, their priorities, tags, and the average score of the assets to which the vectors are attached.

Average Score Changes in The Past # days

This metric shows the average score on your target, which is derived from the asset scores. The asset score is determined by the highest vector priority attached to it.

Vector Priorities

A bar chart that distributes and compares all the verified vector priorities on your target.

Vector Tags by Priority

A horizontal bar chart displaying the most common vector tags on your target, with a distribution of scores along each bar. The Y-axis represents the vector tags, while the X-axis shows the number of occurrences of vectors with each tag and their respective priority levels.

Remediated Assets

The final section, Remediated Assets, represents the last stage of an asset or vector. This section helps you understand where your work is most invested, which priorities and tags are getting the most attention, and your overall posture, i.e., how many vulnerable assets you still have.

Mean Time to Remediation

This metric, added a while ago, has been well-received. For managers and team leads, it provides the best indication on ULTRA RED of the efficiency of your teams.

Remediated Vs. Vulnerable

This vertical bar chart contrasts the number of remediated assets versus those that remain vulnerable. The Y-axis indicates the count of assets, while the X-axis differentiates between the "Remediated" and "Vulnerable" categories highlighting the current state of asset security.

Most Archived Vector Tags

This horizontal bar chart displays the most frequently archived vector tags. The Y-axis lists the vector tags, and the X-axis represents the number of occurrences. This provides a clear view of the common vector tags that have been archived.

General Information section

At the bottom of the page, you can find additional details about your target, like the number of users you have, license usage, active module, and various scanner-related settings.

June 3, 2024

Release Notes June 3rd

We have been hard at work on a shiny new feature that will soon be unveiled, but until then, get ready for a slew of quality-of-life features that will aid your day-to-day usage of ULTRA RED. From updates to Playbooks and APIs to a brand-new summary report, this release is packed with some long-awaited and needed enhancements.

Target Summary Report

The target summary report takes a quick snapshot of key metrics from your target to get a sense of your security posture and identify possible issues. The report consists of two sections, Asset Metrics and Vector Metrics. The report can be generated from the Dashboard by clicking the ribbon in the top right corner, the report will be generated in the background and you will be notified once it is ready. You can check its status in the Reports screen.

Asset Metrics Section

The Asset Metrics section provides a rounded view of your asset inventory, including total assets, discovered assets, and assigned assets.

  • Total Assets: A clear count of all assets managed within the platform.
  • Discovered Assets: The total number of assets found through our discovery processes.
  • Assigned Assets: Assets that have been assigned for monitoring and management.

This section also highlights the top five asset categories, helping you understand the distribution and focus areas within your asset inventory. It includes a chart showing the top five most used technologies in your environment, differentiating between total and outdated instances. This visualization aids in identifying potential risks associated with outdated technologies.

Vector Metrics Section

The Vector Metrics section offers a detailed view of the threat landscape within your target. It includes:

  • Total Vectors: A comprehensive count of all vectors identified.
  • Vectors by Priority: A pie chart illustrating the distribution of vectors by priority level, helping in the prioritization of remediation efforts.
  • Top 5 Verified Vectors: A list of the top five verified vectors, along with their associated domains and each vector's lifetime, provides a quick reference to the most significant threats.

Changes to the Auto-archiving mechanism

We understand that our definition and recommendation for auto-archiving a vector may differ from yours so we made a couple of changes to give you some more control over the process. From now on, you can disable archiving altogether. Contact your ULTRA RED contact person to change this setting.

Additionally, we made some changes to the Vector timeline events regarding archiving vectors.

  • The Vector archived event is now called Vector archived automatically and the content of the event includes the reason
  • We added a new vector timeline event “Vector archived manually“

Additional Features

  • Playbooks
    • You can now send the data a playbook generates via email on more triggers.
    • The send email internal action will now include a link to the asset or vector
    • A new playbook trigger “Vector status changed” allows you to be notified when a vector changes status to your chosen status.
  • API
    • Custom Vector tags have been added to the Vectors endpoints, more details are in the API docs.
    • Asset tag groups have been added to the Assets endpoints, more details are in the API docs.
  • Reports
    • The raw response of a vector has been added to the vector findings report - keep in mind that due to the potentially large response size, report generation times may be a bit longer.
    • Custom vector tags have been added to the vector findings report
    • Export to CSV in Discovery now includes the discovery dates
  • Timeline events timestamp now include hours and minutes.

April 20, 2024

Release Notes April 20th

Introducing Vector Groups

Vectors have always been a core part of ULTRA RED. It is our way of marking the issues the platform finds in a detailed, easy to understand way for you to digest and go to work . Each vector has unique information in the Vector Steps section, information that allows you to replicate our findings and understand what needs to be fixed and how. However, some information is in common with other vectors, the vector’s name which is the asset’s it is attached to name, can be shared between many vectors that are attached to the same asset. The same goes for vector tags, vector tags that represent the same issue on the same asset but with slight variations in the way it can be exploited will appear on all vectors related to that issue, in the same order. So, we took those two common denominators and grouped them together, in a new Grouped Vector view of the Vectors screen. Since these vectors represent the same issue and addressing the issue will resolve all those vectors, it made the most sense.

You’ll notice some minor changes in the upper part of the vector’s details section, there is a new toggle button next to the search bar that will allow you to switch your view from the flat view of single vectors to a grouped view of vectors that represent the same issue.

In the Grouped view, we have a new Grouped Vectors card, on it you can see the vectors name, their tags and a counter of how many vectors are in this group. The score and date are of the most recent vector in the group.

And finally, so you can sift through the vectors in the group, we added a carousel of chips with the identifiers of every vector in the group for you to click through.

Highlight the Pudding

We are continuing with improvements to the Discovery Chain from now on, domains that were found using WHOIS search or SSL/TLS Certificate extraction will have the information that led to the connection be highlighted for you to easily understand the connection.

Additional Features

  • We made some changes to the Operator and Member roles
    • Operator can now create assets from an empty asset management screen
    • Operator and member now have access to the Vectors screen hamburger menu
  • Playbooks
    • The “Send Email Alert” internal action will also include a link to the asset or vector.
    • New trigger - Vector status changed - you can condition the playbook to trigger based on the vector’s name or status and you can send the data via Teams, Slack, Email or a custom API.
  • Findings Reports
    • We added the raw response to the Vector Findings Report
    • Custom Vector tags were added to the Vector Findings Report
  • API - We added Custom Vector tags and Asset tag groups to the API.

Asset Management
February 20, 2024

Release Notes February 20th

If You Can Think It, You Can Tag It

Asset tags are custom tags for users to can be added to assets, they can be added to one asset at a time from the Asset’s details overlay by clicking the editable field and entering tags.

Or in bulk from the Assets hamburger menu, after selecting the assets we want to add the tags to.  

To give you some more order and granularity , we added an extra layer of asset tags, now you can create Tag Groups for asset tags and filter for specific groups. Tags can belong to multiple groups. Tag groups can be created from the Configurations menu.

Asset Tags can be seen at the end of the asset cards metadata

We also added a new filter in the Asset Management screen for Tag groups.

Vector Tags

We realized you need some form of marking method for vectors for internal use, for instance when you want to denote a vector for further investigation without contacting the ULTRA RED support team, or maybe you want to mark a vector and get back to it at a later time. Since having your own tags on assets serves the same purpose, we thought you could use them on Vectors as well. So, we added custom tags to Vectors. You can now add your own tags to vectors which will appear right below the automatic tags.

The custom vector tags function the same as the asset tags, you can click on the field to activate the text box, enter your desired tags and click enter. Clicking outside the text box saves the tags. Click the field again to edit it. You can find your new custom tags in the “Custom Tags” filter in the sidebar.

Timeline: The Search Revolution

As assets become veterans on the platform, their timelines become a long list of important events, so we added a search bar to help you easily find the event you are looking for. You can search for

  • Event name
  • Event type
  • Content found in the event, e.g., vector tags, assignee, etc.

Additional Features

  • Viewer can generate some reports
    Asset Analysis Report
    Assets CSV
    Vectors CSV
    Asset Findings Report
    Vector Findings Report
  • We added a new Level 4 Scan which scans all your assets for the entire range of ports
  • New portfolio report for Vendors in the Vendor Monitoring module.
  • A feature for multi-target users, The Targets screen hamburger menu now has quick links to Asset Management and Vectors as well as Discovery.
  • New Vector timeline event - validation scanner status changes to failed - for when the validation finished without results.

Asset Management
February 6, 2024

Release Notes February 6th

Good things come in small packages

We heard you about having greater visibility of asset cards in the Asset Management screen so we added a new layout to the cards: Compact Layout.

In the compact layout, we present only the most important sections of data an asset has which are:

  • Score
  • Category
  • Name and Identifier
  • Vectors
  • IP addresses
  • Ports
  • Technologies
  • Indicator Icons

You can easily switch between the detailed and compact view by clicking the layout button next to the sort menu.  


Until now, we had a playbook that would trigger every time an open port is found. We slightly modified this playbook to trigger every time a new port is found and added the port's status, number, and protocol as a condition. This means you now have more granular control as to when this playbook should trigger. Customers who used this trigger had their playbooks converted to the new one without losing any functionality.

In addition, we added a new playbook trigger for when a port’s status changes. In it, you can define specific port numbers to be monitored for any changes.

Aside from new triggers we also added a couple of new actions:

Due to popular demand, all playbook triggers now have the option to send the playbook data as an email alert. All playbook triggers now have the “Send Email Alert” action at the final stage of the playbook creation wizard.

Finally, on the Asset Created, Outdated Technology, and New Port Found triggers there is a new action to change the asset’s score.  

Discovery Chain

  • You can now export the Discovery Chain as a PNG or JSON file using the new menu at the top right corner of the overlay.  
  • We added explanations in tooltips for every Method node in the chain. A full list of all the methods and their explanation can be found in the FAQ.

Additional Features

  • The Vector timeline has received some color and categorization to correspond with the event types that are already present in the Asset timeline. The same colors and event types were used.
  • You can now export vectors to CSV from the vectors screen
  • Up to 100 vectors in a single file
  • As you might have noticed when you logged in after the new release, there is a new window to let you know that the platform was updated and provide you with an easy link to the Product Updates documentation page.
Asset Management
January 29, 2024

Release Notes January 29th

The Likelihood of an Asset Being Exploitated

Not too long ago we added the EPSS (Exploit Prediction Scoring System) metric to vectors that have a CVE as their first tag. We wanted to provide you with an insight into the likelihood of this vector being exploited. In this release we have taken it a step further and added an EPSS score to all the Vector tags on the platform, so every vector has an EPSS score, and added a new metric to assets which is based on the highest EPSS score out of all the vectors that are attached to an asset and provide an Exploitation likelihood score for the asset.

Dashboard - Vector Breakdown

We heard you about the Vector Breakdown feature in the Dashboard screen and that it was somewhat counterintuitive, so we gave it an update and now it will better help you find the vector you’re looking for.

The left side still represents all the vector tags that are present on the target, clicking on one of them will show on the right side a list of all the vectors that have this tag. Clicking on a vector will take you to the Vectors screen with the selected vector filtered.

Identifiers in Reports and the API

The Asset and Vector identifiers were added so you can easily differentiate between similar vectors, now we added them to all the reports, relevant external API routes and email alerts as well.

Exporting Data

You can now export all the data on the Discovery screen into JSON format. Exporting to JSON is limited to 100 items per file due to size limitations.

API additions

  • Requesting all the vectors on a target - when a target has a lot of vectors it can take some time to get all of them using the API. To ease the process, we added lazy loading to the endpoint. Read more about it in our API docs.
  • A whole new API route was added to allow you to delete assets from your target. Keep in mind that deleting an asset also deletes all of its data, including vectors, IPs, ports, technologies etc.
    This action is not reversible.

Additional Features

  • Member role cannot delete playbooks anymore.
  • We updated the walkthrough videos to reflect all the changes in the platform.
  • A new sorting option for both Assets and Vectors - Sort by name.

January 29, 2024

Discovery Chain

We are thrilled to announce the arrival of the Discovery Chain feature

ULTRA RED’s asset discovery capabilities are very thorough and extensive, our scanners often find assets that are long forgotten by the customer, or assets that were created and not reported to the IT department. These situations often require back and forth communication between you and our research support teams to understand how some assets were found and how they are related to the lead domain that was provided in the first step of the discovery.

Related Domains and Discovered assets have an (i)  icon that appears on hover, until now clicking this icon would have opened either the Relations overlay for Related Domain or the Evidence overlay for Discovered Assets. Now this icon will open the Discovery Chain overlay for the domain/asset it was opened on.

Additionally, you can trigger the discovery chain directly from the Asset Details overlay, by clicking the same (i) icon next to the asset's name.

The chain is built from the bottom up, meaning the most bottom item in the chain is the one the user interacted with, i.e., opened the chain from, and the most top item is the lead domain the user initially provided on which the discovery process was initiated. In between them are all the assets, data, and connections that ultimately created the chain.

The Discovery chain consists of three types of nodes:

  • Asset node (red) - either related domain or discovered asset.
  • Related domain nodes will have the same icon
  • Discovered assets will have the category they belong to as their icon.
  • Data node (light grey) - WHOIS, SSL or IP & Ports that were found on the asset.
  • Every data node has a read more button which allows the user to expand the node to reveal the entirety of the data. The data can also be easily copied by clicking the ‘Copy’ icon next to the name.
  • Method node (dark grey) - the methods used to find the next node in the chain.

Method - Explanation

WHOIS Search - Fetched WHOIS data of the related domain.

SSL/TLS Certificate Extraction - Fetched SSL/TLS Certificate of the related domain.

Domain Redirection - This Domain redirects to the parent domain.

Reverse Redirect - The parent domain is redirecting back to this domain.

Domain Link - Parent domain has links to this domain.

Domain Backlink - This domain has links to the parent domain.

Co-hosted Domain - Co-hosted on the same server as the parent domain.

HTML Source code - Found connection to the parent domain while analyzing the HTML code of this domain.

Initial Domain - Initial domain that was used in the Discovery of assets process.

Bucket Discovery - Found in our database of cloud buckets.

CNAME Record - The parent domain has an alias to this domain.

SSL/TLS Certificate Reverse Search - Found in our database of SSL/TLS certificates.

Subdomain discovery - A subdomain of the parent domain.

Asset Management
December 11, 2023

Release Notes December 11th

Every-which way to get your data

You might have noticed that there was a gap in the release updates, we took a little extra time to cook up more features for you. In this release we are bringing you a slew of new features. Asset and Vectors are getting a sorting feature, new ways to find, share, and export data, some new timeline events and more.

Sharing is Caring

Have you ever had to call someone's attention to a vector or an asset and found yourself fumbling for ways to specify the vector you are referring to? Well, us too, so we added a couple of features to help with that.


Today, you need to copy the link to the page and manually point someone to the relevant vector. From now on, you can copy a link directly to an asset or a vector. Simply hover on the asset or vector name and a new icon will appear that will copy a link directly to this asset or vector to your clipboard.


Alternatively, you can give someone the identifier to the asset or vector, and they can find it themselves.
On assets the identifier can be found in the asset card metadata and in the Asset Details overlay under the asset name as well.

On the Vectors screen, we added the identifier on the vector card, under the vector name. And in the Vector metadata.

Asset Management

In an effort to bring more order to the timeline, we classified all the existing events into five types, and to make it easier to differentiate between them, we color coded them. The colors we used are the same colors used to denote the asset scores and the vector priorities, we chose them for the same reason we chose them for assets and vectors, they provide context to the importance of each event.

Scoring and Remediation
Vector Updates
User Interaction
Discovery and Assignment

A full list can be found in the FAQ.

More Columns

Some changes in the Asset Details overlay, we added few more columns in the IP Addresses & Ports card in the Asset Details overlay

  • Status - Either open or closed
  • Protocol - TCP or UDP
  • Last seen - Last time this technology was found in scans.

New Timeline Events

Asset Timeline

  • New technology found - for when the scanner has found a new technology on the asset.
  • New enrichment found - for when the scanner has found a new enrichment for the asset or added manually via the API.

Vector Timeline

  • Validation initiated - To indicate that a manual vector validation took place.
  • Validation completed - To indicate that the validation had completed and its results.

Vector Validation Scanner

We added a couple of improvements to the Vector Validation scanner

  • A new in-progress indication will appear as long as the scanner is running.
  • Once the validation scanner completes the scan, all users will be notified via a notification. Clicking on it will take you to the relevant vector’s page.


Asset Management

From now on you can sort asset cards on the Asset Management screen, you can find a new dropdown menu to the right of the search field. The default sort is by score, you can change it to by:

  • Created date
  • Last vulnerable date
  • Number of vectors


The Vectors screen also got a sorting feature, you can find a new dropdown menu to the right of the total number of vectors. The default sort is by found date, you can change it to by:

  • Priority
  • Last seen date
  • Found date

Exporting Data

Until now you could only export assets or vectors into CSV format, we initially chose CSV because it is easy and efficient, but the growing complexity of the platform required something more robust. From now on, you can export asset and vectors to a JSON format file.

Due to file size limitations, you can export up to 100 items in a single file. A list of all exported fields can be found in the FAQ

Additional features

  • The Operator role can now export the Asset Findings report.
  • Playbooks - we added a new internal action for the Asset created trigger - Assign to user.
  • A quality-of-life feature - you can now hit submit using a keyboard shortcut - CTRL + Enter.
  • A new toggle filter for Asset Management - Assets with IP addresses only

Squashed bugs

  • Vector Email Alerts - occasionally emails would not be sent.
  • Discovery - When analyzing related domain, when there are no results, the spinner would just spin endlessly.
  • Asset Management - Sometime technologies would fail to index in the filters.
November 20, 2023

Release Notes November 20th

When do we want it? Now!

We are moving forward with giving you more control over the happenings on the platform. This release brings with it two new, such features. The first is the ability to use the Discovery scanner asynchronously from the rest of the scanners. The second one allows you to validate vectors on demand.


You can now initiate a scan or analysis and leave the page and the scans will continue in the background. Additionally, results will be coming in as they are found instead of all together once the scan is finished. What this means is that monitored leads and related domains will get more frequent results.

Note: Assigning assets to the target will still require clicking Done.


From now on you can rescan a vector to check if it is still valid. The Test Vector button, which allowed you to execute the payload of a vector, on specific vectors, to check its validity, has been replaced by a new mechanism built to perform this specific task. Checking whether a vector is valid or not.

Depending on the result of the scan, one of two things will happen.

  • If the vector is found to still be valid, its Last Seen date will be updated to the date of the scan. The results of the scan will also be displayed in the lower left corner of the overlay.
  • If the vector is no longer valid, you will be prompted with an option to archive the vector.

Additional Features

  • All the Vector steps now have a copy button
  • RBAC - we have updated some permissions for the viewer role to go along with the changes to the Discovery mechanism.
  • New Filters - Asset Management
  • Assets with open ports only
  • Alive asset only - assets with any port open or closed

Squashed bugs

  • In the Discovery screen
  • Occasional scrolling issue
  • Domain leads duplications
  • Text search in related domains column
  • Vectors page, scrolling through vectors using the pagination arrows would occasionally trigger VITA

November 13, 2023

Vector Mechanism Update

Every vector is unique, what makes it unique is its HASH which is calculated using a combination of:

  • Vector name (a.k.a. asset name)
  • Vector tags
  • Exploit demo URL
  • IP & port

Multiple vectors can have the same name, and tags, but the ‘Exploit demo URL’ and IP & port are unique to each vector.

We found out that a considerable amount of assets is behind some kind of mechanism that rotates IPs. Rotating IPs is a common practice, it is done for security, load balancing or other purposes, resulting in a different IP address and a duplication of vectors problem. To combat this issue, we slightly changed the vectors' hash to exclude the IP & port. By doing this, we keep the unique part of the vector, the ‘Exploit demo URL' in the HASH and eliminate the issue of a single vector having multiple IPs.

The logic works like this: when the scanner finds a vector, it adds up its name, tags, and exploit demo URL to create a hash, this hash is the VectorID, it then checks whether the VectorID exists in the database, i.e., whether it is unique. If it is, it creates a new vector, if it isn’t it updates the ‘Last seen’ date of the vector.

Asset Management
October 30, 2023

Auto-Archive Functionality update

We are constantly looking for ways to improve. We want ULTRA RED to be more useful, accurate, and provide actionable information. Recently we introduced the MTTR metric, to provide an insight into the efficiency of your teams, among other things. MTTR is the average number of days between the "First found" and the "Last seen" dates of a vector.

The auto-archive feature until now would kick in after seven consecutive days of a vector not coming up on scans. Before the introduction of the MTTR metric, this was sufficient but since the introduction of MTTR we started to run simulations to check whether we can achieve the same result with fewer days, we found that the three days achieves the same result as seven, any fewer and we got false negatives, any more did not yield better results.

The following is the entire process of an asset being scanned:

  1. An asset is sent to be scanned, its "Last scan" date is updated to the time the scan initiated.
  2. If the vector is found in the scan, its "Last seen" date will be updated, if not, nothing changes.
  3. If the “Last seen” date is three days older than the "Last scan” date of the asset, the vector is archived.
  4. All the remediation steps are marked as done and the archived vectors are "detached" from the asset.

In addition, detaching vectors from an asset affects the remediation and assets as follows:

  1. Remediation suggestions are based on vector tags. When a vector is archived - the system checks whether there is another vector with the same tag. If there is none, the remediation recommendation is removed.
  2. When no more vectors are attached to the asset - the asset is marked as "Remediated"

This may sound complicated and a substantial change in the behavior of the platform but in reality, it is not. The only thing that has changed is the number of days that need to pass for a vector to be deemed no longer verified. We have run extensive tests and simulations to make sure the integrity and accuracy of the data remains intact, and the percentage of false negatives does not change.

Following this change, we expect the MTTR metric to be a more accurate representation of how your assets and vectors are managed and you can identify any gaps that may require attention.

Asset Management
October 23, 2023

Release Notes October 23rd

Flag on the Play!

We were incredibly happy to hear your feedback about the changes to the dashboard, the good ones, and the less good ones. We set out to make it more insightful and the insights to have a practical and actionable meaning, we still have a way to go but we’re glad to hear we’re on our way there. Following in the same direction, we wanted to allow you to fine tune the data that is presented in the dashboard, and we start with Vectors.

Occasionally there are vectors that require extra attention, whether due to a network anomaly, a honeypot, a false positive or any other reason you might have to flag a vector, you now can.

When a vector is flagged, several things happen in the background:

  • An email is sent to the support team
  • The flagged vector is removed from the vector related statistics that are displayed on the dashboard
    Vectors changes in the past 90 days
    Vectors list
    Average score
  • A timeline event is created when a vector is flagged and unflagged
  • Flagged vectors can be filtered for
  • Flagged vectors are marked in the vector and asset findings reports

EPSS - Exploit Prediction Scoring System

Often you see a critical or high priority vector on the platform, and you are unsure how much of an actual risk it poses, in regards of it being exploited. The EPSS model predicts how likely it is that a vulnerability will be exploited. We've introduced this statistic to vectors that have a CVE as their initial tag to assist you determine the importance of each vector and prioritize your work.


  • New related domains will be marked with a bell like in the Asset Management screen assets for 4 days
  • You can filter for new related domains in the Discovery screen
  • We added the option to continuously monitor domain leads for new related domains. Just click the Radar icon to turn it on.

Asset Management

You can now send an asset to be rescanned, the results can take some time, depending on the size of the asset. In case of failure the scan feature has an automatic timeout.

  • 'Scan Now' has a cooldown of 4 hours.
  • Bulk assigning assets now triggers a single notification instead of a separate notification for each assigned asset.
  • The Remediation progress bar was removed from the Remediations card and the Findings Reports.
  • Visual change, tooltips now have borders for better visibility
  • When manually creating assets, you can insert a range of IP addresses now and the platform will create each IP as an asset.

Additional Features

  • Currently vectors are automatically archived after seven days of not showing up on scans, we found that the same result cam ne achieved within three days, so we changed it.
  • You can now choose which of the scanners you would like to scan your target.
  • A new target can now be created directly from the targets page
  • Available to users in the Operator role and above.

Asset Management
September 26, 2023

Release Notes September 26th

The Cards are on the Platform

When we first envisioned the Asset Management screen, we wanted a place for users to quickly get the info they need and get to work. In other words, a screen that drives to action. During the various versions and iterations of this page we tried several views, each one was better than the previous one but lacking in a new way, mostly the ease of access to information. With that in mind, we knew the new iteration should first provide easy access to data. We realized that assets are usually viewed after filtering or searching and having to open categories or the overlay. Or by observing the table but adding or removing columns for different view can be cumbersome, so we got rid of all that. From now on, after searching for assets using the new ‘Search Term Chips’, you will find a new view of Asset Cards.

Asset cards are individual per asset, they consist of general info about the asset, and six sections of bite sized information chips that will answer your quick questions about assets, allow you to easily compare data between assets, and give you exactly what you need to get to work.

An asset card is divided horizontally into two halves, the top half holds general information about the asset:  

  • The Name of the asset
  • Category the asset belongs to
  • Assignee - only appears when an asset is assigned
  • Last vulnerable date
  • Icon indicators - from left to right, they appear only if they are relevant. For instance, if there is a cover photo on the asset the cover photo icon will be present.
    - Cover photo  
    - Attached file
    - New Timeline Activity
    - New asset
    - Asset is Remediated
    - Outdated technologies found
    - Monitoring is turned on

The bottom half consists of six sections of all the info that was previously available to you if you activated all columns in the old view.  

  • The Vectors section holds the most recent vectors that were attached to the asset
  • The Technology section will display all the technologies found on the asset
  • The Enrichments section has all the enrichments added to the asset, by the scanner or manually via the API.
  • The open ports section displays all the open ports the were found on the asset
  • The IP section holds all the IP addresses associated with the asset
  • The Intelligence section shows the number of Compromised Accounts, Leaked Credentials, and Hacking Discussions the were found in the deep web for the asset.

The more MTTR the merrier  

We got positive feedback about the new MTTR card in the dashboard, and the most common request was “Can we have a separate MTTR for the top priorities”, we thought that it was a good idea so now your MTTR is calculated separately per priority.

Asset Management
September 11, 2023

Release Notes September 11th

It's Getting Hot in the Timeline

As you might have noticed, we are now notifying users of new releases on the platform. And you might be reading this in an email or in our new Product Updates page where you can see all our latest releases.

Timeline Heatmap

When an asset has gained some tenure on our platform it has been through several cycles of being vulnerable, having vectors attached to it and detached from it, becoming remediated and so forth. We try to keep a log of as many of the events that transpire on an asset as we can, and we are constantly adding more. Today we are bringing you a new view of the events, from now on, the Asset Timeline will have a heat map of three major events:

  • Remediation marked as done
  • Vector detached from asset
  • Vector attached to asset

The heatmap provides better visualization of the quantity of events within a specific timeframe, in our case, a year, divided into 12 months. We want to help you direct your attention to where it is needed most. A heatmap can help you correlate event frequency with important dates or real-world event.

In addition, those same battle worn assets that have a long and expansive timeline, to make it easier to get to the newest event, we made a change so the next time you open a timeline it will be scrolled down to the bottom, to the newest event.


Following the addition of the relation info to the Related Domains, we wanted to provide you with more such info, in this release we are adding evidence for Cloud assets and IP addresses in the 'Discovered Assets' column on the ‘Discovery’ screen.

Clicking the Information icon will open the Asset Evidence overlay which consists of different information depending on the asset.

For Asset Evidence the overlay consists of the following information:

  • Bucket name: The name of the bucket found
  • Bucket URL: The bucket's URL
  • Source URLs: URL that the bucket was found on
  • Created date: The date it was created on the platform
  • File listings: Whether Listing Policy is unrestricted.
  • Provider: The cloud provider of the bucket
  • Hostname: The name derived from the domain
  • Links: to files that were found on the bucket

For IP Addresses the evidence overlay consists of:

  • Direct - IP addresses that were resolved by querying the hostname for its A records (DNS)
  • SSL - IP addresses containing an SSL Certificate that points to the related hostname
  • Hostname - IP addresses that were resolved back to the hostname

NOTE: In some cases, you will see the IP relation data when opening the overlay for a Cloud asset. That's because you are seeing the evidence info for the IP found on the cloud asset.

Evidence can be found in the Discovery screen and in the Asset Details overlay.

At this stage, Evidence is available only for Cloud assets and IP, we are working on adding it to more assets.

Additional Features

  • Asset search now searches through Vector Tags and Open Ports as well.
  • We have a new email address, specifically for any questions you may have about the platform
  • Over are the days of moving the mouse all the way to the chevron to open or close a card, from now on click away anywhere you want on the card’s header to open or close it.
  • We thought about the name ‘Attack Surface’ of the new dashboard card from the previous release and decided that ‘Total Assets’ is a more fitting name.
  • You can now assign multiple assets to a user from the hamburger menu
Asset Management
September 5, 2023

Release Notes September 5th

To Search or Not to Search - Asset Search Enhancements  

This release includes specific enhancements to one of the most used features on the platform, the asset search. More specifically the asset search on the Asset Management screen.

We know that searching has become something we heavily rely on in the infomration age from search engines to pdf documents, we love searching. So, we made it easier to create complex queries so you can enjoy better searching though the assets.

Harder, Better, Faster, more Indexed

We have expanded the search capabilities of the asset search to include additional sources. Until now, you could search for Asset Names, IPs, and Tags. Now, you can search for Enrichment types and Technology categories and names. With more to come soon.

Chip Away

In addition to adding more sources to search through, we wanted to allow you to construct more complex queries. Complex queries allow for quicker, more accurate data retrieval. From now on, after entering a search parameter, click Enter to turn it into a chip and go on to add another search parameter. A chip acts as ‘CONTAINS’ meaning it will search for anything that contains that parameter, using multiple chips adds the 'AND’ operator between chips. You can use up to five chips in a query.

NOTE: The search bar now requires pressing Enter to reload the data. So, if you are looking to clear the search bar, either delete all the chips and hit Enter or click the little X at the end of the line.

Enrichment AND Technology

Now that you can search through Enrichments, as well as Technologies, you can narrow your results to find specific tasks that might get overlooked. In this example we look for the 'File Upload Functionality' Enrichment type and 'Apache' from the Technology stack to find assets that either aren't properly validating uploaded files or have no restrictions imposed on the file after it's uploaded.

Chips AND Filter

You can mix and match the chips and the existing filters, in this example we search for every asset with 'Portal' in the name, and filter for a 'CRLF Injection' vector.

Asset Management
August 28, 2023

Release Notes August 28th

Dashboard makeover  

We know that dashboards can be pretty powerful, a good dashboard can, for some roles, be all you need to utilize a tool. With that in mind we have set out to make our dashboard better and more usefull. In this release we are introducing some new cards and updating existing ones.

Average score over time

The ‘Average Score’ card provides an overview of the overall state of your assets. We wanted to make it more useful, so we expanded it to include a graph of changes in the past 14 days. Now it can help you recognize trends e.g., sudden spikes or drops in the asset's score can indicate an unusual event.

Monitored Assets

The 'Monitored Assets' card was meant to provide an overview of how many of the assigned assets are also actively monitored,
but the reality turned out to be that most if not all of the assigned assets were also actively monitored rendering this card static.

Attack Surface

Now this card represents the distribution of Assigned, Monitored and Discovered assets.ֿ

Archived vectors

You might have noticed that there is something missing from the Dashboard screen and that is the Vectors feed.
We realized that it mostly isn’t being used and that it was prime dashboard real estate that was going to waste.
Instead, we moved the ‘Vulnerable Assets' card their and renamed it ‘Verified Vectors’ and added its counterpart the 'Archived Vectors' card.

Mean Time to Remediation (MTTR)

MTTR is an important metric, it represents how long it takes on average to remediate vectors.
The card calculates how long has passed from the date the vector was first found to when it was last seen.
Only archived vectors are calculated.

New Playbook Integrations

We added native integrations to Slack and Teams for you to send the data collected by the playbook as a Slack or Teams message. From now on every playbook trigger will have two new endpoints:

  • Send Slack message
  • Send Teams message

Selecting one of these options will provide you with a field to enter a webhook that needs to be generated by Slack or Teams, respectively.

Custom Headers for the Scanner’s per target

Custom HTTP headers allow you to add a signature to scans so that you can easily identify them. For example, adding "X-Scanned-By: ULTRARED" will include this header in all HTTP requests. This same functionality can be used to perform authorized scans that would otherwise get blocked (e.g: error 401, 403, etc.). Adding a bearer token is a good example for that - including session or token information will essentially turn ULTRARED's "black-box" approach into a "white-box" one. Scans will be able to continue instead of stopping on login pages providing you with a scanner that is customizable to your assets.

Custom headers can be added from the Scan Setting page in the Configurations menu. 

Additional Features  

  • We added the scan settings of a target to the Targets screen so you can easily see how intensely and how frequently your targets are being scanned.
  • Vector Findings Report - will now only show remediations relevant to the exported vector.
  • The date in the Vector details pane will now be displayed in a new format that includes the time.
  • The order of the cards in the Asset Details overlay has been slightly changed and is now the following:
    Technology Stack
    Vector Tags
    Asset Tags
    IP Addresses & Ports
    WHOIS Data
    Asset Notes
  • The Cover Photo in the Asset Details overlay can now be re-fetched in case there were any changes to the asset.
Asset Management
August 14, 2023

Release Notes August 14th

Assigning assets to users

The asset tags are custom tags you can use to put labels on assets. A creative use we heard of is using it to assign assets to users, with that in mind we added a new feature to the Asset Details overlay that will allow you to assign assets to each other.

Users that are members and higher can assign assets to other users. Users that have assets assigned to them will get a notification saying so, and a timeline event will be created that will specify which user assigned the asset to which user.

Users can also filter for assets that are assigned to them from the filters menu in the sidebar.

Asset Management Improvements

  • Manager role can now set the default active columns of the Assets table and they will appear as the default for other users on the target.
  • To make it even easier to export data out of the platform we added the option to bulk select assets and export them to CSV, the exported columns will be the ones that are in view.
  • The vector attached/detached timeline events will now include the vector tags that were added or removed from the asset.

A saved filter provides quick access to a complex query that provides specific results that cannot be achieved by using a single, built in filter. From now on, you can save a search term as a saved filter as well.

Additional Features  

  • Until now to open a collapsible card on the platform you had to click on its arrow, from now on, you can click anywhere on the card to open it and close it.
  • Relation info of related domain will now be part of the report when exporting the list to CSV
  • When a playbook fails for whatever reason, you will get a notification about it.
Asset Management
July 31, 2023

Release Notes July 31st

Playbook Timeline

The long-awaited addition to one of our most useful features is the Playbook Timeline. Up till now, there was no record kept about a playbook, you could not know who created a playbook when a playbook ran and what the outcome was, whether or not a playbook has been edited, and by whom. Well, now you can. We have added a timeline to every playbook with events for when the playbook was Created, Edited, Executed Successfully, and Failed. The timeline can be accessed by clicking the 'Timeline' icon next to the 'Trash' icon.

Playbook Timeline - Events

  • Playbook created - this event is the first in the timeline. It documents the creation details of the playbook including the date and a summary of all the editable fields in the playbook.
  • Playbook edited - this event details the changes made to the playbook post-creation. Any editable fields that have been changed will appear in this event including the values changed.
  • Playbook executed successfully - this event means the playbook has been triggered and finished successfully.
  • Playbook failed - this event means that the playbook was triggered but failed to finish. This could be due to several reasons:
    API Endpoint not responding
    The playbook tried to ‘Assign & Monitor’ a new asset but there are no more licenses available.
    If the attempted internal action failed.

Asset Management Improvements

This screen serves as sort of a checkpoint on the platform from which users start working or investigating and continuing their work so it stands to reason to add some quality-of-life improvements to make our users' lives easier.

  • We wanted to visually tidy up the 'Asset Management' screen a bit so we reduced the spaces between the icons at every line.
  • Continuing with the tidying up we also removed the counter from cards without content to make it easier to understand at a glance which cards have content.
  • We understand that the WHOIS data of an asset can be useful and important so we added that information directly to the 'Asset Details' overlay in its own card. Relevant only to assets with WHOIS info.
  • And finally, there is a new 'Asset Timeline' event for when an asset was discovered - refers to the date the asset was discovered by the platform. Meaning the date it appeared in the middle column of the Discovery screen.

Additional Features  

  • The relation data found on related domains can now be easily copied at the click of a button
  • In the Vectors screen, the ‘Last scanned' date will now be known as the 'Last seen’ date.
  • The Asset Findings report got some additions too
  • Added the Technology Stack card
  • Vectors in the report will be sorted by the highest priority first.

July 18, 2023

Release Notes July 18th

Asset Findings Report

Like the Vector Findings report, the Asset Findings report provides a summary of all the information related to an asset and all the vectors attached to it. It can be generated from the Asset Details overlay of any asset.

An asset findings report is comprised of all the data on an asset and the vectors attached to it. The first part of the report details all the information about the asset including any IP addresses and ports, Enrichments that were found on the asset, the Timeline of events, any Notes that were left on the asset, and the Remediation steps. The second part of the report is about the vectors attached to the asset. Every vector gets a Vector Details and a Vector Steps card.

The report is individual for each asset and therefore can be generated from each asset's Asset Details overlay by clicking the 'Export Findings' button under the cover photo. The platform will notify you once the report is ready, clicking the notification will take you to the reports page where you can download the file.


When you enter a domain in the first column of the Discovery screen, our scanners do their magic and find any related domain they can to the provided domain. The found relations between the domains is broken down into six:

  • WHOIS Search - This domain was found using a reverse WHOIS search
  • SSL/TLS Certificate Extraction - This domain was found in the SSL certificate data of the provided domain
  • Domain Redirection - This domain redirects to the provided domain
  • Domain Link - This domain has link to the provided domain
  • Domain Backlink - The provided domain has a link to this domain
  • Co-hosted Domain - This domain is co-hosted on the same web-hosting provider as the provided domain
  • HTML Source code - This domain has key elements in its HTML source code which are similar to the elements in the provided domain

Playbook Terms

We got some feedback that the terminology in the Playbooks screen is a little confusing, so we updated some of them. From now on, in the first step of the playbook creation wizard, you will be selecting a Trigger for the playbook instead of an action. In the second step, where you previously had an option to select a trigger, will now be named Condition.

More API Additions  

You can now add enrichments using the external API. Your added enrichments will appear in the Enrichments card in the Asset Details overlay. Enrichments added via the API will be marked with an asterisk (*).

Method to use is POST

API Endpoint - api/external/targets/{{targetID}}/assets/{{assetID}}/enrichments?api_key={{api_key}}

Send the following in the body of the request:

   "enrichments": [
           "type": "string", //The type of the enrichment you are adding, this information will appear in the left columns of the table.
           "description": "string" //The description of the enrichment you are adding, this information will appear in the right column of the table.

If any of the fields are not provided the API will return an error stating:

"Enrichment(s) not added, check fields and try again."

API Documentation

July 18, 2023

Vector Scanners Improvements


This newsletter brings a slew of good news and updates. The core of our product, the Vulnerability scanner, has received some major updates that will fortify your cybersecurity defenses. Our latest efforts have focused on incorporating additional features and functionalities that will significantly improve its performance and results.

Sensitive Token Detection with String Entropy Calculation

In the most recent version of ULTRA RED's scanner, we have implemented a smarter crawling component that thoroughly explores every corner of the public internet. This enables us to retrieve information, extract secrets, keys, and tokens. To eliminate false positives, each result is carefully evaluated based on its string entropy.

Exposed credentials could pose a serious risk, depending on access and permissions, threat actors could abuse them to infiltrate infrastructures and services - potentially impairing the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of the impacted systems.  

String entropy is a measure of how unpredictable or random a string of characters is. Tokens typically have a baseline of randomness which the scanner measures and compares against to verify the probability of a token. In other words, it tells you how much information or variety is contained within a string, which helps us reduce false positives.

Vector Tag Correlation

Our Vulnerability Scanner now can identify when one vector impacts another, allowing us to fuse them into a single vector with both associated tags. This comprehensive approach provides a broader understanding of the risks involved. For example, when the scanner detects an XSS vector, it also looks for a CSRF vulnerability. This combination of CSRF with XSS enables an attacker to perform "fly by" Cookie/Session Hijacking from any website using a crafted form.

Expanded Reach to a Wider Range of Endpoints

With enhanced scanning capabilities, our scanner can now delve deeper into directories, providing a more thorough breakdown of all the pages and files associated with each asset.

Overall Enhancements

We’ve improved our scanner’s ability to detect a variety of vulnerabilities such as XSS, open directory listings, SQL Injections, CRLF Injections and Sensitive Server Errors. All while adding additional barriers to prevent False Positives.

We have made significant improvements to our scanner's vulnerability detection capabilities. It can now identify several new vulnerabilities, including XSS, open directory listings, SQL injections, CRLF injections, and sensitive server errors. Additionally, we have implemented additional measures to minimize false positives, ensuring more accurate and reliable results.

New Vector Tags

We are continuously expanding our vector tags to cover a wider range of vulnerabilities. Some of the new tags include Directory Listing, CORS Misconfiguration, and Improper Error Handling. We are committed to regularly updating and adding more vector tags to provide a comprehensive understanding of the potential risks.

July 4, 2023

Release Notes July 4th


This release contains even more Playbooks upgrades, to allow you to perform internal actions automatically. In addition, the external API is getting another update needed to allow you to customize targets with your own data. And finally, the vector scanner received a new, useful ability.

New Action Type

Playbooks are getting even more upgrades. We wanted you to have more actions to choose from when building your playbooks, so we added a new action type - Asset Created. The new action type allows you to create a playbook that will trigger once a new asset is created, whether it was assigned from the discovery or created manually.

Internal Actions

Playbooks can also run internal actions, you can find them in the Endpoint step. The Endpoint URL field is now a dropdown menu in which you can choose between an external endpoint or an internal action to be performed by the playbook.

'Vector Created', 'New Discovered Asset', and 'Asset Created' also have internal actions:

Vector Created - Internal Actions
Asset Created - Internal Action

New API Endpoint

You can already create your own assets on the platform, both from the GUI and the API. Now you can also create vectors using the external API by providing all the necessary information in the body of the request.

Having the ability to create both assets and vectors via the API allows you to add findings from other third-party tools you might employ, aggregating all the cyber security of the external and the internal perimeters into a single, centralized location.

API Documentation

Vector Scanner Updates

  • Our vector scanner has become smarter and can now identify correlation between different, separated vectors to create a new vector that poses a higher risk due to the combination of both.
  • "Duplication" of vectors has been significantly reduced (vector consolidation).

Targets Screen Reorder

Good news for users with more than a single target assigned to them, targets will now be sorted by targets with the most monitored assets first.

Asset Management
June 21, 2023

How to use the Filters system?


How great are filters? They allow us to enjoy grain free coffee, breathe cleaner air, and provide our cars with refined fuel. They also allow us to sift through copious amount of data about targets and present specifically what we need. Therefore, this and the next issue will be focusing on filters. Starting with the Asset Management screen in this newsletter and then Vectors in the next one.

Meet the Filters

In this newsletter we are going to explore some of the things you can do with the Asset Management screen filters which includes three types of filters:

  • Toggle filters - This filter allows users to turn on one or more of the built-in filters.
  • Multi-select filters - This type of filter allows users to select multiple options from a list of available choices. It currently supports ‘Exists', 'Where Not’, ‘AND', and 'OR’, operators.
  • Exists - marked with a checkmark
  • Where Not - marked with an X
  • Single-select filters - This type of filter allows you to select one of the provided options to display and leave out all the rest.

Toggles offer the most general type of filter. Meaning that only using the toggles we cannot really get too deep and specific into the data. To do that we would need to combine several filter types and filters within the filter types, we will talk about that later in this newsletter. For now, let's focus on general filtering. For example, we can display all the new (added in the last 10 days) and vulnerable (have vectors attached to them) assets using just two toggles.

Saving Custom Filters

The filters listed above function as separate entities, we can mix and match several filters to create a new, custom filter which can be saved to be used later. This allows us to achieve granular control over the data presented by the platform.

SSL Issues

SSL certificates are used in every web application, it is crucial to an organization’s security posture to have all their certificates use strong encryption ciphers, be up to date and signed by a well-known certificate authority. Using the 'Enrichment Type' filter we can create a new filter that will display any SSL issues your assets may have.

Apache Web Servers

There are cases where we want the platform to display certain information and not display other information. For instance, let’s say we want to display all the web servers under the target, one way to do that is to scroll down to the ‘Technology Category' filter and select ‘Web Servers'. Another option, if we want to be more specific with it, we can go to the 'Technology Type’ filter and select which web server types we want to display or not to display.

In the example below, we wanted to display only Apache Web Servers, so we first filtered out all the Web Servers and then got more specific by selecting only Apache web servers and not regular HTTP server or Nginx servers.

DDoS and MiTM

While being very powerful, there are some vectors which are difficult to detect using conventional methods, that the platform can’t detect yet. This does not mean however that it cannot provide some indication wether or not there are assets that are susceptible to such attacks.

The platform can detect which technologies are used on assets; we can use that data to provide insights into the preparedness of our assets to face such attacks.

  • HSTS - is a policy mechanism that forces websites to use HTTPS, designed to prevent man in the middle attacks.
  • Cloudflare - is a content delivery network service that has built-in cloud cybersecurity features such as DDoS mitigation.
  • Amazon CloudFront - is also a content delivery network that provides DDoS protection.

By filtering using these technologies, whether they are present or not, we know which assets are protected from these attacks and which are not and can take appropriate action.

In Case You Missed It

June 19, 2023

Release Notes June 19th

Make way for the Wizard

Not long after its addition to the ULTRA RED roster, the Playbooks screen receives a facelift. From now on clicking the ‘+ Create Playbook' button will open an overlay with a step-by-step creation wizard.

The steps correspond with the three columns of the previous version with the addition of a summary page in which you can review your playbook and test it against the endpoint it sends the data to. You can go back and forth the steps and change anything. In the Summary step the fields are not editable.

Editing Playbooks

Existing playbooks can now be edited, the ‘Name', ‘Category’, and ‘Endpoint URL’ of a playbook can be changed after creation and tested prior to saving the changes. Simply click on an existing playbook and the ‘Summary’ step will appear. Don’t forget to click ‘Save' once you’re done.

New Filters

Following the new additions to the platform, we added a new filter to the Asset Management screen and the Vectors screen.

Asset Management

Cover photos on assets provide a visual representation of them, so we added a new toggle filter to help you find assets that have a cover photo.


We added a new date picker for the ‘Last Scanned’ date of vectors. Combining this filter and the ‘Found Date' filter, you can gain insights into your Mean Time to Remediation (MTTR) on vectors.

Additional Features

  • A Vector’s Timeline will now have entries for when it was attached to an asset and detached from it.
  • A vector’s open ports and IP address will now be added to the asset’s list of IPs and ports when a vector is attached and removed when it is detached.
  • Users assigned to only a single target will now go directly to that target’s Dashboard screen on login.
  • We are aligning the design of all the reports on the platform so you will see some changes in this and the following releases.

User Roles
June 5, 2023

Release Notes June 5th

Vector Findings Report

We are glad to announce that a new report has joined the roster, the Vector Findings report. The new report provides a summary of all the information related to a vector and the most relevant information from the asset it's attached to.

A vector findings report is comprised of part Vector data and part Asset data. From the Vectors screen, the Vector Details, Vector Steps which includes all the info from this section apart from sensitive information like leaked credentials, and the Vector Timeline. From the Asset Details overlay, it includes the Remediation Steps, and the Technology Stack.

To make way for the new report’s export button, the Vector Status has been moved to the Vector Details pane.

Exporting the Vector Findings Report

The report is individual for each vector and therefore can be generated from each vector’s page by clicking the 'Export Findings' button right next to the 'Text Vector' button. The platform will notify you once the report is ready, clicking the notification will take you to the reports page where you can download the file.

The Vector Data Part

The Vector part of the report is the first three cards. They provide all the relevant information about a vector like its basic info, the steps taken to find and validate this vector, and the timeline of the events.

The Asset Data Part

In the second part of the report, we get the relevant data about the asset the vector is attached to. We want to know what the remediation steps for the vector are and whether there are outdated technologies that need attention.

User Roles - Viewer

You asked for it and now it is ready, we have created a new user role in the system. It’s like the member, but with even fewer write permissions. Basically, as the name suggests, it can only read data. It's intended to give managers more granular control over how other users interact with the data without affecting it.

The Member role has also received an update, members now have limited access to the API and Proxy pages.

Additional Features

  • Email alerts about new vectors now include the target name as well.
  • Until now, while the technology scanner is running it doesn’t display the previous scan’s result. Now you will be able to see the last known results if there are any, while the scanner is running.
  • Playbooks can now be tested before saving.

May 29, 2023

What to do with Playbooks?


Good news, in an effort to provide you, our valued users, tips and tricks that will help you make the most of the platform, we have decided to start sending a newsletter. The newsletters will focus on different areas of the platform, sometimes a series of newsletters on the same topic, and other times a single newsletter on a single topic or several small topics.

Now that we have playbooks on the platform, we can start creating custom automations. These automations will help integrate Ultra RED with your other security solutions, by taking the data collected by the platform and sending it via an API to your choice of product. In this issue, we are going to provide you with some examples of possible uses for this feature. We hope this issue will spark your creative juices and you will create your own playbooks that will make yours and your team's life just a little bit easier.

Patch Management

PHP is a scripting language focused on web development. About 70% of all websites online today use PHP. As such, it is bound to attract a lot of attention from malicious actors that constantly develop new ways to exploit websites and exfiltrate valuable information from them. The people over at the PHP development team are hard at work on creating better, more secure versions of their product, it is the job of consumers of this product to keep it up to date. We can build a playbook that will trigger each time PHP is discovered by the Technology Scanner and that it is marked as outdated technology.

To do so, we first enter the basic playbook details like name and category. Then, we select under ActionOutdated Technology'. The property to look for should be ‘Technology Name’ and the value should be ‘PHP’. Finally, we need to enter the API endpoint of the patch management software and that’s it.

Time Sensitive Vectors

Critical vectors are very time sensitive. They require the quickest time to remediation simply because of the higher risk factor. Therefore, it stands to reason that we would want to be notified as soon as possible when such vectors are found. In the pre playbooks era, this was done via emails, in the post playbooks era we can build a playbook that is triggered by priority 5 vectors and sends the vector data to a slack channel, for the entire team to be alerted at once.

To create such a playbook, we need to first fill in the basic info like name and category. The action that would trigger this playbook should be a new vector created, the property the playbook should focus on is Priority and it should be 5. Finally, we need to provide the API endpoint to which we want to send the data about the vector, in this example a Slack channel.

Subdomain Monitoring

As organizations grow, the amount of digital assets they have grows accordingly. Dev, support, QA and other teams are always creating new assets, development environments, testing environments, replicated environments, and sometimes they forget to notify the IT team. Since the platform can discover new assets per domain, assuming monitoring is turned on, but not sub domains, we can use playbooks to monitor for specific subdomains and be alerted soon after they have been created.

For this example, we want to monitor the subdomain and alert an IT system of a new asset that was created. To create this playbook, we first need to provide basic details like the name and category. Then we need to select the action to trigger the playbook, in our case that would be ‘New Discovered Asset'. Next, we select the property the playbook should focus on, in this example that would be the asset name, and provide the subdomain. By unchecking the 'Exact Match’ box we make sure that every new domain under will trigger the playbook.

In Case You Missed It

Asset Management
May 23, 2023

Release Notes May 23rd

What are Playbooks?

We are making strides in creating more automation on the platform. Our goal is to make your life easier; we want our platform to provide you with useful, intelligible, information that you can translate into action.

Let’s face it, our platform is pretty useful. It lets you know when it finds a new vector or asset or outdated technology, the next logical step would be to allow you to take this information and act upon it however you see fit. Enter Playbooks.

Let’s say the platform found that your web servers are running an outdated version of jQuery. If you employ a patch management system in your organization, you could create a playbook that will send this data into said patch management system to initiate the update process. Alternatively, you could create a playbook that will open a ticket in a ticketing service like Jira or ServiceNow.

Another use could be when the platform finds a new vector, you could create a playbook that will forward the new vector details into a SOAR platform that will act upon the provided information based on some predefined rule set.

ULTRA RED Playbooks

Our version of this idea begins at the moment the platform has informed you that it has found a new vector, asset, or outdated technology. Each of these discoveries can be set as a trigger to run a playbook. Within the playbook you can select the conditions for the playbooks to run upon, and where to send the data i.e. an API endpoint of some other tool or service.

Creating a Playbook

Next time you login to the platform, you will see a new screen, Playbooks.

The first time you visit the Playbooks screen it will be empty, we can remedy that by clicking the '+ Create Playbook' button.

A window will open that will guide you in creating your first playbook.

For the first part, you will need to provide some basic information like the name of the playbook and its category. Categories are created by you and will appear as tags under the playbook name. They can be anything you want, either by the endpoint you are sending the data to, or by the finding type on our platform. Whatever it is, try to be consistent and mindful of any special characters you are using. To prevent accidentally creating multiple categories for the same thing. Tags are case insensitive, but it is not unheard of that a hyphen is used when a space is required.

Select which action on the platform should trigger the playbook. For instance, when a new vector is created.

Next, select which properties the playbook should focus on and what value it should look for.

And finally, enter the endpoint URL to which the data should be sent, click save and your playbook is done and ready to work.

Playbooks will be covered more extensively in our upcoming newsletter.

Additional Features

  • The Asset Details overlay has received some visual updates, we wanted to add some way to quickly find out what is the asset behind the sometimes-convoluted name. And decided that a cover photo depicting the state of the asset the moment the asset was created is the way to do that. Also, all the cards now appear closed by default to provide a better scrolling experience.
  • The API also got some new additions, it is now possible to bulk add or remove asset tags via the API and get the ‘Remediation Steps’ in the response.
  • The Asset Analysis Report got upgraded with new appendixes that provide detailed information about the assets on a target, divided into four convenient tables.

May 23, 2023

New API Documentation

When API met the Knowledge Base

There is a new section in our knowledge base, the API Guide section, it includes information about every API endpoint we currently offer and how to use them. We are always adding more functionality to our API so you can use the data as you wish. Whether you are creating fancy dashboards or forwarding the data into other tools, we want you to use the data.

The API Guide can be found at the bottom of the knowledge base, and the knowledge base can be accessed by clicking the little book icon next to the notification bell.

Targets Endpoint

The Targets endpoint allows you to request the information seen on the targets page. This endpoint provides the four most basic pieces of information about a target on the platform. It is more relevant to customers with more than one target on the platform.

Method to use is GET

API Endpoint - api/external/targets?api_key={{ApiKey}}

The response from the endpoint includes the following:

  • ID - the ID of the target, this information isn’t visible on the platform.
  • Name - the name of the target.
  • Vector count - number of vectors on the target, all statuses.
  • Monitored assets count - number of assets with monitoring turned on.

Dashboard Endpoint

The Dashboard endpoint provides a summary of a target. It is comprised of cards providing a high-level view of the target.

Method to use is GET

API Endpoint - api/external/targets/{{targetID}}/dashboard?api_key={{ApiKey}}

The response from the endpoint includes the following:

  • Total assets count - the number of assets that are assigned to this target
  • Vulnerable assets count - the number of assets that are currently monitored and vulnerable, i.e., have vectors attached to them.
  • Vectors count - number of vectors on the target, all statuses.
  • Vector tag
    A list of all the assets that have this vector

Vectors Endpoint

The Vectors endpoint is used to request a list of vectors on an asset. It can be used to request a list of all the vectors or within a specific time frame by sending dates in the body of the request.

Method to use is POST

API Endpoint - api/external/targets/{{targetID}}/vectors?api_key={{ApiKey}}

The response from the endpoint includes the following:

  • Vector ID - a random string unique per vector.
  • Status - the status of a vector (Verified, Archived, etc.)
  • Name - the vector’s name, similar to asset name.
  • Priority - a number ranging from 1-5 where 1 is informational and 5 is critical.
  • Date - the date when the vector was found, appears as a number in the epoch time format in milliseconds.
  • Last scanned - the date the vector last appeared on a scan, also in epoch time format.
  • Exploit demos:
    Request method - the method used to perform the request
    Status code - response status code, e.g.: "200" for 200 OK.
    Request path - this is the “Exploit demo URL", the path to exploit the vulnerability
  • Description - the vector’s analysis from the vector steps section.
  • Tags - vector tags.

To request for vectors in a specific time frame, send the following as part of the request body and replace “dd/mm/yyyy” with a date:

   "filters": {
       "date": {
           "start_date": "dd/mm/yyyy", //Starting from 00:00
           "end_date": "dd/mm/yyyy" //Up to 23:59

Assets Endpoint

The Assets endpoint is used to request for all the assets on a target. Part of the response also includes the technology scanner’s results i.e. all the technologies found on the asset and whether they are outdated or not. Note that technologies are dynamic, and some fields may not be included in the response, based on the information that is available.

Method to use is GET

API Endpoint - api/external/targets/{{targetID}}/assets?api_key={{ApiKey}}

The response from the endpoint includes the following:

  • Name - the asset’s name
  • Tags - an array of asset tags.
  • Category - the asset's category e.g., Development Environment
  • Technologies - technologies found on the asset
    Categories - technology category e.g., Web Servers
    Name - technology name, e.g., Apache HTTP Server
    Versions - version of technology detected
    CPE - the CPE of the technology found, if available
    Outdated - whether the technology is outdated or not
  • Vector count - how many vectors are attached to the vector

Discovery Endpoint

The Discovery endpoint is used to get information about all the assets that were found by the platform. The API responds with all the data in the target’s discovery page, divided into three categories, assigned assets, discovered assets, and related domains.

Method to use is GET

API Endpoint - api/external/targets/{{targetID}}/discovery?api_key={{ApiKey}}

The response from the endpoint includes the following:

  • Assigned assets - assets that are already assigned to the target
    Name - of the asset
    Category - e.g. "Development Environment"
    IP addresses
    Address - IP address found
    Ports - array of open ports found for each asset
  • Discovered assets - assets that aren't assigned to the target yet
    IP addresses
  • Related domains
    Name - name of the domain used in the discovery process

Creating a New Asset Using The API

It is possible to manually create assets and add them to the Asset Management screen.

Method to use is POST

API Endpoint - api/external/targets/{{targetID}}/assets?api_key={{ApiKey}}

Include the new asset’s name (IP, domain or hostname) according to the format below:

   "name": string //The asset's name (IP, domain or hostname)

The response from the endpoint includes the following:

  • Success - true if asset was created, false if wasn't created
  • Asset ID - ID of the asset that was created
  • Message - success message, for example "Asset was created and will be monitored".

Whitelisting The Scanner's IPs

The system’s scanners and requests are constantly rotating through a pool of pre-defined IPs, which are rotated approximately once a month.

To get the list of IPs being used by the scanners at any given moment you can use the Proxies endpoint.

Request to use is GET

API Endpoint - api/external/proxies/ips?api_key={{ApiKey}}

The response from the endpoint includes an array of IP addresses.

April 3, 2023

Release Notes April 3rd

New reports are here!

This release includes several new major features and a few minor ones. We added a new Asset Analysis report and upgraded the existing CSV reports. In addition, we added more fields to the external API to enhance your ability to generate your own report and dashboards.

Asset Analysis Report

The biggest addition in this release is the new Asset Analysis report from the Asset Management screen. The new report is meant to summarize the entire complement of the assets on a target and provide several views on the posture of a target. The report can be generated from the Asset management screen and downloaded from the reports screen or generated directly from the reports screen.

The entirety of the report is divided into three parts:

  1. Cover page
  2. Graphs and charts
  3. Appendices

In this version only the first two parts of the report have been released the appendices will be released soon. The cover page of the report provides a brief summary of ULTRA RED and the date the report was generated on. The second page of the report provides quick, valuable insights on the status of the assets in the form of summarizing cards. Each card presents two charts a donut chart and a bar chart. In total there are four cards.

Monitored Assets

The donut chart on this card is meant to provide an overview of the total number of assets on the target and the number and percentage of them that are being continuously monitored.

The bar chart on this card provides insight on number of monitored assets on the target divided into categories.

Vulnerable Assets

This card describes the vulnerability of the the target, the donut displays the percentage of vulnerable assets and the last vulnerable date, meaning the last date the target had assets with vectors attached to them. And the bar chart details the how many vectors were found each day in the past thirty days.

Outdated Assets

In this card users can see how many assets are currently using outdated technology on the target. The donut displays the percentage and the actual number of assets that are using outdated technologies. The bar chart details what are the most common outdated technologies on assets on the target

Remediated Assets

The donut displays the percentage of assets that were remediated out of the total number of assets on the target. And the date of the last asset that was remediated. The bar chart details the number of assets that were remediated each day for the past 30 days.

Assets CSV Report

The existing CSV report exports most of the fields in the Asset Management page, however since its previous update, more fields have been added and some, less used fields, have been removed. In the new Asset CSV report we wanted to remove the old, no-longer-in-use fields and add new ones that are missing. In addition the order of the fields has been also modified slightly. The new report includes the following fields in the given order.

  • Score
  • Name
  • Monitored
  • New
  • Remediated
  • IP Addresses
  • Asset Tags
  • Number of Vectors
  • Vector Tags
  • Number of Attached files
  • Notes

Vectors CSV Report

Similarly to the Assets CSV report, the Vectors CSV report has also been overhauled to exclude less used fields and include new ones that have been missing from the report. The new report includes the following fields in the given order.

  • Priority
  • Name
  • Vector Tag
  • Found Date
  • Last Scanned Date
  • Status
  • IP Resolving
  • IP Resolving port
  • Username
  • Password
  • Request Type
  • Request Path
  • Raw Request
  • Type
  • Country

External API

The external API of vectors has been expanded significantly. Now users can request for a vector's status, whether it is verified, archived or marked as accepted risk. The vector’s tags can also be request via the API and the information available in the proof of concept section of the vector details.

  • ID
  • Priority (Numbered 1-5)
  • Name (Most commonly asset name)
  • Date
  • Last scanned date
  • Status (Verified, archived, accepted risk)
  • Request methods (i.e: GET, POST, etc.)
  • Response status code (i.e: 200, 401, etc.)
  • Request path
  • Vector Analysis
  • Tags

With the newly added fields to the Vector’s screen API, the requested data along with the data which can be requested from the Assets API, users can now create their own dashboard and reports which will display the data that is relevant to them in any manner they find most useful.

In addition, the Targets API had a minor addition of the Monitored Asset counter.

Additional Features

  • New columns were added to the Asset Management screen, the assets enrichments and open ports. To recap, asset enrichments include anything from SSL-related issues, to input fields that are found.
  • Scan level configuration can now be configured when creating a new target - relevant for Manager-role users.
  • The walkthrough videos now open in a new tab.
  • The new Asset Analysis Report and the existing Dashboard Report can now be generated directly from the Reports screen.
  • When a requested report is ready, a new notification will show, stating the report is ready to be downloaded from the Reports screen. Click the notification to go to the report and download it.
  • The help button has been moved from the User Menu to the top navigation bar. Clicking the "Help" button will open the FAQ and knowledgebase in a new tab.

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