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July 18, 2023

Release Notes July 18th

Asset Findings Report

Like the Vector Findings report, the Asset Findings report provides a summary of all the information related to an asset and all the vectors attached to it. It can be generated from the Asset Details overlay of any asset.

An asset findings report is comprised of all the data on an asset and the vectors attached to it. The first part of the report details all the information about the asset including any IP addresses and ports, Enrichments that were found on the asset, the Timeline of events, any Notes that were left on the asset, and the Remediation steps. The second part of the report is about the vectors attached to the asset. Every vector gets a Vector Details and a Vector Steps card.

The report is individual for each asset and therefore can be generated from each asset's Asset Details overlay by clicking the 'Export Findings' button under the cover photo. The platform will notify you once the report is ready, clicking the notification will take you to the reports page where you can download the file.


When you enter a domain in the first column of the Discovery screen, our scanners do their magic and find any related domain they can to the provided domain. The found relations between the domains is broken down into six:

  • WHOIS Search - This domain was found using a reverse WHOIS search
  • SSL/TLS Certificate Extraction - This domain was found in the SSL certificate data of the provided domain
  • Domain Redirection - This domain redirects to the provided domain
  • Domain Link - This domain has link to the provided domain
  • Domain Backlink - The provided domain has a link to this domain
  • Co-hosted Domain - This domain is co-hosted on the same web-hosting provider as the provided domain
  • HTML Source code - This domain has key elements in its HTML source code which are similar to the elements in the provided domain

Playbook Terms

We got some feedback that the terminology in the Playbooks screen is a little confusing, so we updated some of them. From now on, in the first step of the playbook creation wizard, you will be selecting a Trigger for the playbook instead of an action. In the second step, where you previously had an option to select a trigger, will now be named Condition.

More API Additions  

You can now add enrichments using the external API. Your added enrichments will appear in the Enrichments card in the Asset Details overlay. Enrichments added via the API will be marked with an asterisk (*).

Method to use is POST

API Endpoint - api/external/targets/{{targetID}}/assets/{{assetID}}/enrichments?api_key={{api_key}}

Send the following in the body of the request:

   "enrichments": [
           "type": "string", //The type of the enrichment you are adding, this information will appear in the left columns of the table.
           "description": "string" //The description of the enrichment you are adding, this information will appear in the right column of the table.

If any of the fields are not provided the API will return an error stating:

"Enrichment(s) not added, check fields and try again."

API Documentation