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Asset Management
September 26, 2023

Release Notes September 26th

The Cards are on the Platform

When we first envisioned the Asset Management screen, we wanted a place for users to quickly get the info they need and get to work. In other words, a screen that drives to action. During the various versions and iterations of this page we tried several views, each one was better than the previous one but lacking in a new way, mostly the ease of access to information. With that in mind, we knew the new iteration should first provide easy access to data. We realized that assets are usually viewed after filtering or searching and having to open categories or the overlay. Or by observing the table but adding or removing columns for different view can be cumbersome, so we got rid of all that. From now on, after searching for assets using the new ‘Search Term Chips’, you will find a new view of Asset Cards.

Asset cards are individual per asset, they consist of general info about the asset, and six sections of bite sized information chips that will answer your quick questions about assets, allow you to easily compare data between assets, and give you exactly what you need to get to work.

An asset card is divided horizontally into two halves, the top half holds general information about the asset:  

  • The Name of the asset
  • Category the asset belongs to
  • Assignee - only appears when an asset is assigned
  • Last vulnerable date
  • Icon indicators - from left to right, they appear only if they are relevant. For instance, if there is a cover photo on the asset the cover photo icon will be present.
    - Cover photo  
    - Attached file
    - New Timeline Activity
    - New asset
    - Asset is Remediated
    - Outdated technologies found
    - Monitoring is turned on

The bottom half consists of six sections of all the info that was previously available to you if you activated all columns in the old view.  

  • The Vectors section holds the most recent vectors that were attached to the asset
  • The Technology section will display all the technologies found on the asset
  • The Enrichments section has all the enrichments added to the asset, by the scanner or manually via the API.
  • The open ports section displays all the open ports the were found on the asset
  • The IP section holds all the IP addresses associated with the asset
  • The Intelligence section shows the number of Compromised Accounts, Leaked Credentials, and Hacking Discussions the were found in the deep web for the asset.

The more MTTR the merrier  

We got positive feedback about the new MTTR card in the dashboard, and the most common request was “Can we have a separate MTTR for the top priorities”, we thought that it was a good idea so now your MTTR is calculated separately per priority.