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Asset Management
September 11, 2023

Release Notes September 11th

It's Getting Hot in the Timeline

As you might have noticed, we are now notifying users of new releases on the platform. And you might be reading this in an email or in our new Product Updates page where you can see all our latest releases.

Timeline Heatmap

When an asset has gained some tenure on our platform it has been through several cycles of being vulnerable, having vectors attached to it and detached from it, becoming remediated and so forth. We try to keep a log of as many of the events that transpire on an asset as we can, and we are constantly adding more. Today we are bringing you a new view of the events, from now on, the Asset Timeline will have a heat map of three major events:

  • Remediation marked as done
  • Vector detached from asset
  • Vector attached to asset

The heatmap provides better visualization of the quantity of events within a specific timeframe, in our case, a year, divided into 12 months. We want to help you direct your attention to where it is needed most. A heatmap can help you correlate event frequency with important dates or real-world event.

In addition, those same battle worn assets that have a long and expansive timeline, to make it easier to get to the newest event, we made a change so the next time you open a timeline it will be scrolled down to the bottom, to the newest event.


Following the addition of the relation info to the Related Domains, we wanted to provide you with more such info, in this release we are adding evidence for Cloud assets and IP addresses in the 'Discovered Assets' column on the ‘Discovery’ screen.

Clicking the Information icon will open the Asset Evidence overlay which consists of different information depending on the asset.

For Asset Evidence the overlay consists of the following information:

  • Bucket name: The name of the bucket found
  • Bucket URL: The bucket's URL
  • Source URLs: URL that the bucket was found on
  • Created date: The date it was created on the platform
  • File listings: Whether Listing Policy is unrestricted.
  • Provider: The cloud provider of the bucket
  • Hostname: The name derived from the domain
  • Links: to files that were found on the bucket

For IP Addresses the evidence overlay consists of:

  • Direct - IP addresses that were resolved by querying the hostname for its A records (DNS)
  • SSL - IP addresses containing an SSL Certificate that points to the related hostname
  • Hostname - IP addresses that were resolved back to the hostname

NOTE: In some cases, you will see the IP relation data when opening the overlay for a Cloud asset. That's because you are seeing the evidence info for the IP found on the cloud asset.

Evidence can be found in the Discovery screen and in the Asset Details overlay.

At this stage, Evidence is available only for Cloud assets and IP, we are working on adding it to more assets.

Additional Features

  • Asset search now searches through Vector Tags and Open Ports as well.
  • We have a new email address, specifically for any questions you may have about the platform
  • Over are the days of moving the mouse all the way to the chevron to open or close a card, from now on click away anywhere you want on the card’s header to open or close it.
  • We thought about the name ‘Attack Surface’ of the new dashboard card from the previous release and decided that ‘Total Assets’ is a more fitting name.
  • You can now assign multiple assets to a user from the hamburger menu