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April 20, 2024

Release Notes April 20th

Introducing Vector Groups

Vectors have always been a core part of ULTRA RED. It is our way of marking the issues the platform finds in a detailed, easy to understand way for you to digest and go to work . Each vector has unique information in the Vector Steps section, information that allows you to replicate our findings and understand what needs to be fixed and how. However, some information is in common with other vectors, the vector’s name which is the asset’s it is attached to name, can be shared between many vectors that are attached to the same asset. The same goes for vector tags, vector tags that represent the same issue on the same asset but with slight variations in the way it can be exploited will appear on all vectors related to that issue, in the same order. So, we took those two common denominators and grouped them together, in a new Grouped Vector view of the Vectors screen. Since these vectors represent the same issue and addressing the issue will resolve all those vectors, it made the most sense.

You’ll notice some minor changes in the upper part of the vector’s details section, there is a new toggle button next to the search bar that will allow you to switch your view from the flat view of single vectors to a grouped view of vectors that represent the same issue.

In the Grouped view, we have a new Grouped Vectors card, on it you can see the vectors name, their tags and a counter of how many vectors are in this group. The score and date are of the most recent vector in the group.

And finally, so you can sift through the vectors in the group, we added a carousel of chips with the identifiers of every vector in the group for you to click through.

Highlight the Pudding

We are continuing with improvements to the Discovery Chain from now on, domains that were found using WHOIS search or SSL/TLS Certificate extraction will have the information that led to the connection be highlighted for you to easily understand the connection.

Additional Features

  • We made some changes to the Operator and Member roles
    • Operator can now create assets from an empty asset management screen
    • Operator and member now have access to the Vectors screen hamburger menu
  • Playbooks
    • The “Send Email Alert” internal action will also include a link to the asset or vector.
    • New trigger - Vector status changed - you can condition the playbook to trigger based on the vector’s name or status and you can send the data via Teams, Slack, Email or a custom API.
  • Findings Reports
    • We added the raw response to the Vector Findings Report
    • Custom Vector tags were added to the Vector Findings Report
  • API - We added Custom Vector tags and Asset tag groups to the API.