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Asset Management
December 11, 2023

Release Notes December 11th

Every-which way to get your data

You might have noticed that there was a gap in the release updates, we took a little extra time to cook up more features for you. In this release we are bringing you a slew of new features. Asset and Vectors are getting a sorting feature, new ways to find, share, and export data, some new timeline events and more.

Sharing is Caring

Have you ever had to call someone's attention to a vector or an asset and found yourself fumbling for ways to specify the vector you are referring to? Well, us too, so we added a couple of features to help with that.


Today, you need to copy the link to the page and manually point someone to the relevant vector. From now on, you can copy a link directly to an asset or a vector. Simply hover on the asset or vector name and a new icon will appear that will copy a link directly to this asset or vector to your clipboard.


Alternatively, you can give someone the identifier to the asset or vector, and they can find it themselves.
On assets the identifier can be found in the asset card metadata and in the Asset Details overlay under the asset name as well.

On the Vectors screen, we added the identifier on the vector card, under the vector name. And in the Vector metadata.

Asset Management

In an effort to bring more order to the timeline, we classified all the existing events into five types, and to make it easier to differentiate between them, we color coded them. The colors we used are the same colors used to denote the asset scores and the vector priorities, we chose them for the same reason we chose them for assets and vectors, they provide context to the importance of each event.

Scoring and Remediation
Vector Updates
User Interaction
Discovery and Assignment

A full list can be found in the FAQ.

More Columns

Some changes in the Asset Details overlay, we added few more columns in the IP Addresses & Ports card in the Asset Details overlay

  • Status - Either open or closed
  • Protocol - TCP or UDP
  • Last seen - Last time this technology was found in scans.

New Timeline Events

Asset Timeline

  • New technology found - for when the scanner has found a new technology on the asset.
  • New enrichment found - for when the scanner has found a new enrichment for the asset or added manually via the API.

Vector Timeline

  • Validation initiated - To indicate that a manual vector validation took place.
  • Validation completed - To indicate that the validation had completed and its results.

Vector Validation Scanner

We added a couple of improvements to the Vector Validation scanner

  • A new in-progress indication will appear as long as the scanner is running.
  • Once the validation scanner completes the scan, all users will be notified via a notification. Clicking on it will take you to the relevant vector’s page.


Asset Management

From now on you can sort asset cards on the Asset Management screen, you can find a new dropdown menu to the right of the search field. The default sort is by score, you can change it to by:

  • Created date
  • Last vulnerable date
  • Number of vectors


The Vectors screen also got a sorting feature, you can find a new dropdown menu to the right of the total number of vectors. The default sort is by found date, you can change it to by:

  • Priority
  • Last seen date
  • Found date

Exporting Data

Until now you could only export assets or vectors into CSV format, we initially chose CSV because it is easy and efficient, but the growing complexity of the platform required something more robust. From now on, you can export asset and vectors to a JSON format file.

Due to file size limitations, you can export up to 100 items in a single file. A list of all exported fields can be found in the FAQ

Additional features

  • The Operator role can now export the Asset Findings report.
  • Playbooks - we added a new internal action for the Asset created trigger - Assign to user.
  • A quality-of-life feature - you can now hit submit using a keyboard shortcut - CTRL + Enter.
  • A new toggle filter for Asset Management - Assets with IP addresses only

Squashed bugs

  • Vector Email Alerts - occasionally emails would not be sent.
  • Discovery - When analyzing related domain, when there are no results, the spinner would just spin endlessly.
  • Asset Management - Sometime technologies would fail to index in the filters.