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November 20, 2023

Release Notes November 20th

When do we want it? Now!

We are moving forward with giving you more control over the happenings on the platform. This release brings with it two new, such features. The first is the ability to use the Discovery scanner asynchronously from the rest of the scanners. The second one allows you to validate vectors on demand.


You can now initiate a scan or analysis and leave the page and the scans will continue in the background. Additionally, results will be coming in as they are found instead of all together once the scan is finished. What this means is that monitored leads and related domains will get more frequent results.

Note: Assigning assets to the target will still require clicking Done.


From now on you can rescan a vector to check if it is still valid. The Test Vector button, which allowed you to execute the payload of a vector, on specific vectors, to check its validity, has been replaced by a new mechanism built to perform this specific task. Checking whether a vector is valid or not.

Depending on the result of the scan, one of two things will happen.

  • If the vector is found to still be valid, its Last Seen date will be updated to the date of the scan. The results of the scan will also be displayed in the lower left corner of the overlay.
  • If the vector is no longer valid, you will be prompted with an option to archive the vector.

Additional Features

  • All the Vector steps now have a copy button
  • RBAC - we have updated some permissions for the viewer role to go along with the changes to the Discovery mechanism.
  • New Filters - Asset Management
  • Assets with open ports only
  • Alive asset only - assets with any port open or closed

Squashed bugs

  • In the Discovery screen
  • Occasional scrolling issue
  • Domain leads duplications
  • Text search in related domains column
  • Vectors page, scrolling through vectors using the pagination arrows would occasionally trigger VITA