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Asset Management
July 31, 2023

Release Notes July 31st

Playbook Timeline

The long-awaited addition to one of our most useful features is the Playbook Timeline. Up till now, there was no record kept about a playbook, you could not know who created a playbook when a playbook ran and what the outcome was, whether or not a playbook has been edited, and by whom. Well, now you can. We have added a timeline to every playbook with events for when the playbook was Created, Edited, Executed Successfully, and Failed. The timeline can be accessed by clicking the 'Timeline' icon next to the 'Trash' icon.

Playbook Timeline - Events

  • Playbook created - this event is the first in the timeline. It documents the creation details of the playbook including the date and a summary of all the editable fields in the playbook.
  • Playbook edited - this event details the changes made to the playbook post-creation. Any editable fields that have been changed will appear in this event including the values changed.
  • Playbook executed successfully - this event means the playbook has been triggered and finished successfully.
  • Playbook failed - this event means that the playbook was triggered but failed to finish. This could be due to several reasons:
    API Endpoint not responding
    The playbook tried to ‘Assign & Monitor’ a new asset but there are no more licenses available.
    If the attempted internal action failed.

Asset Management Improvements

This screen serves as sort of a checkpoint on the platform from which users start working or investigating and continuing their work so it stands to reason to add some quality-of-life improvements to make our users' lives easier.

  • We wanted to visually tidy up the 'Asset Management' screen a bit so we reduced the spaces between the icons at every line.
  • Continuing with the tidying up we also removed the counter from cards without content to make it easier to understand at a glance which cards have content.
  • We understand that the WHOIS data of an asset can be useful and important so we added that information directly to the 'Asset Details' overlay in its own card. Relevant only to assets with WHOIS info.
  • And finally, there is a new 'Asset Timeline' event for when an asset was discovered - refers to the date the asset was discovered by the platform. Meaning the date it appeared in the middle column of the Discovery screen.

Additional Features  

  • The relation data found on related domains can now be easily copied at the click of a button
  • In the Vectors screen, the ‘Last scanned' date will now be known as the 'Last seen’ date.
  • The Asset Findings report got some additions too
  • Added the Technology Stack card
  • Vectors in the report will be sorted by the highest priority first.