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Asset Management
October 23, 2023

Release Notes October 23rd

Flag on the Play!

We were incredibly happy to hear your feedback about the changes to the dashboard, the good ones, and the less good ones. We set out to make it more insightful and the insights to have a practical and actionable meaning, we still have a way to go but we’re glad to hear we’re on our way there. Following in the same direction, we wanted to allow you to fine tune the data that is presented in the dashboard, and we start with Vectors.

Occasionally there are vectors that require extra attention, whether due to a network anomaly, a honeypot, a false positive or any other reason you might have to flag a vector, you now can.

When a vector is flagged, several things happen in the background:

  • An email is sent to the support team
  • The flagged vector is removed from the vector related statistics that are displayed on the dashboard
    Vectors changes in the past 90 days
    Vectors list
    Average score
  • A timeline event is created when a vector is flagged and unflagged
  • Flagged vectors can be filtered for
  • Flagged vectors are marked in the vector and asset findings reports

EPSS - Exploit Prediction Scoring System

Often you see a critical or high priority vector on the platform, and you are unsure how much of an actual risk it poses, in regards of it being exploited. The EPSS model predicts how likely it is that a vulnerability will be exploited. We've introduced this statistic to vectors that have a CVE as their initial tag to assist you determine the importance of each vector and prioritize your work.


  • New related domains will be marked with a bell like in the Asset Management screen assets for 4 days
  • You can filter for new related domains in the Discovery screen
  • We added the option to continuously monitor domain leads for new related domains. Just click the Radar icon to turn it on.

Asset Management

You can now send an asset to be rescanned, the results can take some time, depending on the size of the asset. In case of failure the scan feature has an automatic timeout.

  • 'Scan Now' has a cooldown of 4 hours.
  • Bulk assigning assets now triggers a single notification instead of a separate notification for each assigned asset.
  • The Remediation progress bar was removed from the Remediations card and the Findings Reports.
  • Visual change, tooltips now have borders for better visibility
  • When manually creating assets, you can insert a range of IP addresses now and the platform will create each IP as an asset.

Additional Features

  • Currently vectors are automatically archived after seven days of not showing up on scans, we found that the same result cam ne achieved within three days, so we changed it.
  • You can now choose which of the scanners you would like to scan your target.
  • A new target can now be created directly from the targets page
  • Available to users in the Operator role and above.