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Asset Management
February 20, 2024

Release Notes February 20th

If You Can Think It, You Can Tag It

Asset tags are custom tags for users to can be added to assets, they can be added to one asset at a time from the Asset’s details overlay by clicking the editable field and entering tags.

Or in bulk from the Assets hamburger menu, after selecting the assets we want to add the tags to.  

To give you some more order and granularity , we added an extra layer of asset tags, now you can create Tag Groups for asset tags and filter for specific groups. Tags can belong to multiple groups. Tag groups can be created from the Configurations menu.

Asset Tags can be seen at the end of the asset cards metadata

We also added a new filter in the Asset Management screen for Tag groups.

Vector Tags

We realized you need some form of marking method for vectors for internal use, for instance when you want to denote a vector for further investigation without contacting the ULTRA RED support team, or maybe you want to mark a vector and get back to it at a later time. Since having your own tags on assets serves the same purpose, we thought you could use them on Vectors as well. So, we added custom tags to Vectors. You can now add your own tags to vectors which will appear right below the automatic tags.

The custom vector tags function the same as the asset tags, you can click on the field to activate the text box, enter your desired tags and click enter. Clicking outside the text box saves the tags. Click the field again to edit it. You can find your new custom tags in the “Custom Tags” filter in the sidebar.

Timeline: The Search Revolution

As assets become veterans on the platform, their timelines become a long list of important events, so we added a search bar to help you easily find the event you are looking for. You can search for

  • Event name
  • Event type
  • Content found in the event, e.g., vector tags, assignee, etc.

Additional Features

  • Viewer can generate some reports
    Asset Analysis Report
    Assets CSV
    Vectors CSV
    Asset Findings Report
    Vector Findings Report
  • We added a new Level 4 Scan which scans all your assets for the entire range of ports
  • New portfolio report for Vendors in the Vendor Monitoring module.
  • A feature for multi-target users, The Targets screen hamburger menu now has quick links to Asset Management and Vectors as well as Discovery.
  • New Vector timeline event - validation scanner status changes to failed - for when the validation finished without results.