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June 3, 2024

Release Notes June 3rd

We have been hard at work on a shiny new feature that will soon be unveiled, but until then, get ready for a slew of quality-of-life features that will aid your day-to-day usage of ULTRA RED. From updates to Playbooks and APIs to a brand-new summary report, this release is packed with some long-awaited and needed enhancements.

Target Summary Report

The target summary report takes a quick snapshot of key metrics from your target to get a sense of your security posture and identify possible issues. The report consists of two sections, Asset Metrics and Vector Metrics. The report can be generated from the Dashboard by clicking the ribbon in the top right corner, the report will be generated in the background and you will be notified once it is ready. You can check its status in the Reports screen.

Asset Metrics Section

The Asset Metrics section provides a rounded view of your asset inventory, including total assets, discovered assets, and assigned assets.

  • Total Assets: A clear count of all assets managed within the platform.
  • Discovered Assets: The total number of assets found through our discovery processes.
  • Assigned Assets: Assets that have been assigned for monitoring and management.

This section also highlights the top five asset categories, helping you understand the distribution and focus areas within your asset inventory. It includes a chart showing the top five most used technologies in your environment, differentiating between total and outdated instances. This visualization aids in identifying potential risks associated with outdated technologies.

Vector Metrics Section

The Vector Metrics section offers a detailed view of the threat landscape within your target. It includes:

  • Total Vectors: A comprehensive count of all vectors identified.
  • Vectors by Priority: A pie chart illustrating the distribution of vectors by priority level, helping in the prioritization of remediation efforts.
  • Top 5 Verified Vectors: A list of the top five verified vectors, along with their associated domains and each vector's lifetime, provides a quick reference to the most significant threats.

Changes to the Auto-archiving mechanism

We understand that our definition and recommendation for auto-archiving a vector may differ from yours so we made a couple of changes to give you some more control over the process. From now on, you can disable archiving altogether. Contact your ULTRA RED contact person to change this setting.

Additionally, we made some changes to the Vector timeline events regarding archiving vectors.

  • The Vector archived event is now called Vector archived automatically and the content of the event includes the reason
  • We added a new vector timeline event “Vector archived manually“

Additional Features

  • Playbooks
    • You can now send the data a playbook generates via email on more triggers.
    • The send email internal action will now include a link to the asset or vector
    • A new playbook trigger “Vector status changed” allows you to be notified when a vector changes status to your chosen status.
  • API
    • Custom Vector tags have been added to the Vectors endpoints, more details are in the API docs.
    • Asset tag groups have been added to the Assets endpoints, more details are in the API docs.
  • Reports
    • The raw response of a vector has been added to the vector findings report - keep in mind that due to the potentially large response size, report generation times may be a bit longer.
    • Custom vector tags have been added to the vector findings report
    • Export to CSV in Discovery now includes the discovery dates
  • Timeline events timestamp now include hours and minutes.