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April 3, 2023

Release Notes April 3rd

New reports are here!

This release includes several new major features and a few minor ones. We added a new Asset Analysis report and upgraded the existing CSV reports. In addition, we added more fields to the external API to enhance your ability to generate your own report and dashboards.

Asset Analysis Report

The biggest addition in this release is the new Asset Analysis report from the Asset Management screen. The new report is meant to summarize the entire complement of the assets on a target and provide several views on the posture of a target. The report can be generated from the Asset management screen and downloaded from the reports screen or generated directly from the reports screen.

The entirety of the report is divided into three parts:

  1. Cover page
  2. Graphs and charts
  3. Appendices

In this version only the first two parts of the report have been released the appendices will be released soon. The cover page of the report provides a brief summary of ULTRA RED and the date the report was generated on. The second page of the report provides quick, valuable insights on the status of the assets in the form of summarizing cards. Each card presents two charts a donut chart and a bar chart. In total there are four cards.

Monitored Assets

The donut chart on this card is meant to provide an overview of the total number of assets on the target and the number and percentage of them that are being continuously monitored.

The bar chart on this card provides insight on number of monitored assets on the target divided into categories.

Vulnerable Assets

This card describes the vulnerability of the the target, the donut displays the percentage of vulnerable assets and the last vulnerable date, meaning the last date the target had assets with vectors attached to them. And the bar chart details the how many vectors were found each day in the past thirty days.

Outdated Assets

In this card users can see how many assets are currently using outdated technology on the target. The donut displays the percentage and the actual number of assets that are using outdated technologies. The bar chart details what are the most common outdated technologies on assets on the target

Remediated Assets

The donut displays the percentage of assets that were remediated out of the total number of assets on the target. And the date of the last asset that was remediated. The bar chart details the number of assets that were remediated each day for the past 30 days.

Assets CSV Report

The existing CSV report exports most of the fields in the Asset Management page, however since its previous update, more fields have been added and some, less used fields, have been removed. In the new Asset CSV report we wanted to remove the old, no-longer-in-use fields and add new ones that are missing. In addition the order of the fields has been also modified slightly. The new report includes the following fields in the given order.

  • Score
  • Name
  • Monitored
  • New
  • Remediated
  • IP Addresses
  • Asset Tags
  • Number of Vectors
  • Vector Tags
  • Number of Attached files
  • Notes

Vectors CSV Report

Similarly to the Assets CSV report, the Vectors CSV report has also been overhauled to exclude less used fields and include new ones that have been missing from the report. The new report includes the following fields in the given order.

  • Priority
  • Name
  • Vector Tag
  • Found Date
  • Last Scanned Date
  • Status
  • IP Resolving
  • IP Resolving port
  • Username
  • Password
  • Request Type
  • Request Path
  • Raw Request
  • Type
  • Country

External API

The external API of vectors has been expanded significantly. Now users can request for a vector's status, whether it is verified, archived or marked as accepted risk. The vector’s tags can also be request via the API and the information available in the proof of concept section of the vector details.

  • ID
  • Priority (Numbered 1-5)
  • Name (Most commonly asset name)
  • Date
  • Last scanned date
  • Status (Verified, archived, accepted risk)
  • Request methods (i.e: GET, POST, etc.)
  • Response status code (i.e: 200, 401, etc.)
  • Request path
  • Vector Analysis
  • Tags

With the newly added fields to the Vector’s screen API, the requested data along with the data which can be requested from the Assets API, users can now create their own dashboard and reports which will display the data that is relevant to them in any manner they find most useful.

In addition, the Targets API had a minor addition of the Monitored Asset counter.

Additional Features

  • New columns were added to the Asset Management screen, the assets enrichments and open ports. To recap, asset enrichments include anything from SSL-related issues, to input fields that are found.
  • Scan level configuration can now be configured when creating a new target - relevant for Manager-role users.
  • The walkthrough videos now open in a new tab.
  • The new Asset Analysis Report and the existing Dashboard Report can now be generated directly from the Reports screen.
  • When a requested report is ready, a new notification will show, stating the report is ready to be downloaded from the Reports screen. Click the notification to go to the report and download it.
  • The help button has been moved from the User Menu to the top navigation bar. Clicking the "Help" button will open the FAQ and knowledgebase in a new tab.