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July 17, 2024

Release Notes July 17th

We are pleased to introduce several updates to improve your experience on ULTRA RED. These updates include increased security measures, playbook enhancements, and a reorganized configuration screen. Account Lockout

We have bolstered security by implementing an account lockout feature. In the event of brute force attempts, accounts will be locked for a period to prevent unauthorized access. You can unlock your account before the lockout period elapses by contacting your ULTRA RED contact person.

Playbooks Enhancements

Vector Status Change Email Notification

The playbook’s internal action for sending email notifications when a vector’s status changes now includes a link to the vector and its identifier. This makes it easier to locate the vector you were alerted about.

Playbook Timeline - Failure Reason

We have added a failure reason to the playbook timeline. When a playbook fails, the timeline event will now display the reason for the failure, providing better insights when troubleshooting.

Configuration Refactor

The configuration screen has been reorganized and rearranged for better usability. This refactor aims to make navigation and configuration more intuitive and efficient, helping you easily manage settings.

Vectors View

We have changed the default view of vectors to a grouped view. This change aims to eliminate looking for related vectors by grouping vectors representing the same issue, allowing you to simultaneously address multiple related vectors.